For the whole of 2016, I have been running a Blossom & Brush stall at The Frome Independent market. This is a brilliant market and well worth a day trip. It runs on the 1st Sunday of the month April-December, in and around the centre of Frome in Somerset.

Here are a few of my favourite bits from October's Market. The weather was beautiful - a crisp, sunny autumn day.

I share my stall with my friend and fellow Bristolian, Rosie Webb. Her watercolour illustrations always bring a smile to the punters' faces. My personal favourite is Fox in Socks. They are available to buy as art prints in various sizes, or as greetings cards.

Towards the end of the day, I try and break away and take a look at the other stalls. This stall is sold out by early afternoon month after month. This time I managed to set up early so I went and explored as the other stallholders were still setting up. I found out why The Bakemonger cakes are so popular - each one is a work of art. Too good to eat.

Located in the main car park, nestled between all the vintage furniture, I found Henderson Rea. They sell a range of lovely succulents and scented bulbs in the prettiest packaging.

I'm a little obsessed with these ceramics - I absolutely love the combination of citrus yellow with the black and white pattern inside that almost looks like animal print. One day, they will be mine......
x Rhiannon